Tuesday 13 September 2011

Practise Exam Questions

Answer 2 questions per practise
1. -Assess the importance of the Dalai Lama in Tibetan Buddhism [35 Marks]

2. - 'Sila is more important than prajna in Buddhist Ethics' Discuss with reference to enviromental issues [35 Marks]

3. - To what extent is the purpose of the Lotus Suta to establish the superiority of Mahayana Buddhism? [35 marks]

4. - Assess the importance of meditation for those seeking Nibbana? [35 Marks]

5. -  To what extent can it be argued that all Buddhists are aiming for NIbbana? [35 Marks]

6. - Assess the importance of the five precepts for Buddhist ethics? [35 Marks]

7. - 'Buddhism in the West is a betrayel of Buddhist origins' Discuss. [35 Marks]

8. - 'The Pali Canon is the most importance Buddhist scripture' Discuss. [35 Marks]

9. - 'It is impossible to understand Nibbana.' Discuss. [£5 Marks]

10. - Assess the importance of the Heart Sutra to Mahayana Buddhism [35 Marks]

11. - To what extent is meditation the uniting feature of Buddhism? [35 Marks]

12. - 'Pure Land Buddhism is merely a shortcut to Nibanna'. Discuss [35 Marks]


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