Tuesday 13 September 2011

Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama

 Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:  
• aims, practices, attitudes of Tibetan Buddhism to scripture; 
• the authority and status of the Dalai Lama. 

Candidates should be able to discuss these areas critically

  • 7th Century Buddhist texts were brought back but didn't spread until teachers came over to Tibet in the 8th Century.
  • It was successful because the teachings fitted well with local teachings

  • Kadampa - Tantic rituals
  • Sakyapa - teaches 'Path and goal'
  • Kagyupa - Third largest school of Tibetan
  • Nyingmapa - Oldest school, based on traditions
  • Gelugpa - 'Yellow hats', Youngest school but now the largest. Strict monastic discipline

Religious Tradition
  •   Tibetan Buddhism was a result of Buddhism and Bon making a formation
  • It was adopted as on offical state religion by the Mongoi Tuan dynasty
  • A tibetan disporia has spread BUddhism where the tradition has gained popularity
  • Bon influenced Tibetan Buddhism greately, however bon has more emphasis on the afterlife and the inbetween. Tibetan Buddhism adopted this emphasis on the inbetween.
  • Ch'an also influence Tibetan Buddhism with its views on higher truths

Beliefs and Practises
  • Tibetan Buddhism includes Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors
  • Boddhisattvas are able to escape the cycle of Samsra but remain in this world to asist others
  • Dharma protectors are mythic figures incorporated into Tibetan Buddhism from various sources who are pledged to protecting and upholding the Dharma
  • Spiritual Worships - Temples, offerings and Chantings

Political Influences
  • The Tibetan Government was a mix of thoecracy and an aristocracy
  • Chinese invaded Tibet with 80,000 men
  • They destroyed many important Tibetan artefacts, monasteries, art and scriptures
  • China claimed Tibet as a province of China that was taken back in control
  • The disagreement is still ongoing

Dalai Lama
  • Born in 1935, started education at 6 years old
  • At the age of 15, He became the current spirtual and temporal leader of Tibet
  • Chinese invaded causing Mr Lama to seek refuge 
  • Reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva of compassion)
  • He undertook vows to be the spirtual and temporal leader

The Panchen Lama
  •   Second in command to the Dalai Lama
  • The whereabouts of the original Panchen is unknown as the Chinese were believe to have seized him upon birth
  • Many observers believe that upon the death of the current Dalai Lama, China will reinstate the successor in order to regain control of Tibet and resume Leadership


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