Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Five Precepts

 The five precepts 
Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 
• the five precepts;
• positive and negative interpretations of the five precepts;
• implications of the precepts for the development of the ethical codes.

Candidates should be able to discuss these areas critically.

  • Refrain from killing, stealing, misusing sexuality, harmful speach, taking intoxicants.
  • Its not enough to follow these, You must promote them.
Purpose of the five precepts
  • Trains morality, mental culture and wisdom
  • Returns people back to basic goodness
  • People commit crimes because they are clouded by greed, hatred and anger.
  • This aims to remove this
  • Enhances ethical values and is important towards nibbana 
  • Helps on social harmonious way, enables co-existance and promotes social growth
  • Accepts that social problems are direct,ly and indirectly connected
  • Cultivates virtues
Distinguishing between a good and bad action
  • Buddhist ethics takes into account three components
  1. Intention
  2. Effect on the wrong doer
  3. Effect on the person involved
  • If your intention is based on love, compassion and wisdom, The outcome will enable development. For example, You give a compassionate hug, which makes both parties happy, which then causes them to act postively. Thus Hugs are a good action.
  • These values are reflected in the Dharma
Lay Buddhists
  • The five precepts ar a minimum requirement 
  • In addition to these are the three refuges
  • Maintains a productive atmosphere
  • Teaches self-restraint and co-operation

REMEMBER, If an exam question comes up about the five precepts or about the eightfold path. You are expected to talk about both in contrast but focusing on the one with the question is based upon. 
For example, If the exam question is on The five precepts, You would talk about the pro's, con's and evaluate it, then contrast it to the eightfold path followed by ulimately decided on the value of the five precepts ;) 


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