Tuesday 13 September 2011

Implications of the EightFold Path

 Implications for ethics of the eightfold path  

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 
• the relationship between sila, prajna and samadhi;
• implications of the path for the development of the ethical codes.

Candidates should be able to discuss these areas critically.

  • The goal of the 8fold path is to achieve NIbbanna, LIberation form suffering
  • It leads to the realisation of the ulimate relaity
  • It includes: 
  1. Right View
  2. Right Attitude
  3. Right Speach
  4. Right Action
  5. Right LIvlihood
  6. Right Effort
  7. Right Mindfulness
  8. Right concentration

  • It is about spirtuality, maturity and adapting the teachings into real life
  • It provides mental discipline, ethical conduct and wisdom of the individual
  • It builds upon ethics based upon compassion for all beings
  • Compassion represents love, charity, kindness and tolerance, making the implications when placed into practise, one of liberty of the individual
  • It promotes unselfishness as it uses detachment to endow qualities of giving
  • Detachment is maintained by the use of conventional and ulimate truth to realise Shunyatta
  • This enables the individual to be unbiased with there atttude to ALL persons
  • Ethical Virtueis always emphasized in EVERY stage of the path. it is the higher teachings of moral obligation
  • It leads to implications on both the individual and the ocmmunity in which the individual engages with
  • This means it allows the individual to lead an honest life free from deception
  • It teaches the individual to have restraint upon there actions which in turn protects others (the community)

  • It endows skillful means and wisdom in all aspects of life
  • However Skillful means is realitive, Making it a dangerous tool for those who falsely claim enlightenment. For example, You can say, Killing that guy was skillful means because this way he can't commit bad karma to himself, But the chances of that holding up in court....

  • Its not enough to carry these out,  Buddhists MUST promote them also
  • Where does this leave other religions?
  • Tolerance would allow other religions to flourish along side this
  • Can you really promote tolerance , if other religions are not willing to be tolerant

  • Another implication of the 8 fold path could be economically
  • Conventional economics sees consumption as the ultimate aim of economic activity – the more the better. Buddhism, 
  • on the other hand, distinguishes between ‘right’ consumption and ‘wrong’ consumption

  • However, a community full of these individuals who not face this issue as all members would have a mutal respect for others. Thus meaning dangerous situations such as murder are less likely to occur
  • However, this also means that all members are more vunerable to one individual with a different mind set
Thus allthough it allows people to act positively to there enviroment, its also very dangerous to those who are in it for themselves. Showing the implicatiosn could go either way.


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